Things have been sort of quiet here. Thursday was a wash - I woke up and threw my back out. Reaching for the toothpaste or something arduous like that. It took several Aleve to make it through the day. Friday morning I woke up, and the Magic Chiropractic Fairy must have visited because everything was once more in alignment. Thank you, Magic Chiropractic Fairy.
I took advantage of the lack of pain to take a nice hike through the woods at Sandringham Park, heading off the big paths for some small, hillier ones. Beautiful pines and chestnut, ferns everywhere, and lovely, lovely blackberry brambles. Nothing is better than a blackberry plucked from the brambles, if you ask me.

Had a nice coffee afterward at the cafe, and then headed home where I worked on my
Lemming Scarf new
Clapotis. I am using some German microfiber sportweight in a natural variegated tone, making it about 2/3 size and probably a bit shorter, depending on when the yarn runs out...
Nice feel to the yarn, two knots so far (grrrrr), and not suited to socks as I had originally planned. Lost the ball band somewhere or I would add it in my
Ravelry stash. This is a VERY quick knit. I used the Raveler-suggested modification of making the "k" between the "kbl" stitches into a purl. Doing this allows you to leave off the stitch markers.
Did I mention how much I am enchanted by the
Ravelry revelry? It's ever so much fun adding in stash and WIPs, etc. Let's not even mention how groovy the groups are and how much time can be wasted reading the message traffic in one's groups. Not that I would know...

I didn't mention the ultrafabulous knitting bag I bought myself last week - the fabric is so pretty! It's actually a travel toiletry bag/set, with vinyl-covered fabric, but it is just right for a small project or two. The big bag unzips to reveal two huge zippable side pockets, and all those cute little baglets for various and sundry bits. It's extremely fetching. Too bad it doesn't match any of my jackets...
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