So, I haven't updated this at all since I created it. Two things, well, three, have given me a good shove to get it going again, however. First, I am really enjoying my friend Lynn H's nifty knitting exploits in her blog. Second, joining the Sock-A-Month 2 KAL (see button in sidebar when I get that figured out) has given me a push to start using the knitblog for good, not apathy. I want to show off my socks, y'all! Last but really most importantly, Jill (aka Saint Jill the Amazing Friend of All Friends) totally got the knitting house ready for action during her emergency rescue-stay with us in August (when mom broke both wrists and landed in hospital on the day David deployed....oh, yes, we were MIGHTILY thankful for Jill's help and company until things got a little better here).
Let's review a bit. This year in knitting started with the Season of the Scarf - for some reason, it was all about the knitting in a straight line with interesting fibers. Maybe because it was cold and my hands couldn't handle the tough stitches? I'll post a few pictures from the Season here.
This was a scarf I knit out of stash laceweight mohair in a muted colorway combined with purple eyelash/ribbon sort of yarn from Target's dollar bins. It came out pretty well and was a gift for a friend in the village. Like this picture with our garden gate in the mist...

This next one is another use of stash, recycled sari silk knit in a sideways scarf pattern. It's much more luminous in person, sort of black with jewel green and red lights. It's now about 5 feet long; still needs the final half-triangle and then is ready to wear.

And this is my niece Clarke, who was here over the winter, wearing the red scarf I knit her (stash mohair, fisherman's rib) and looking very chic in her robe.

Then with the approach of spring, it was Noro Time. I tried so many different things with the wonderful Noro Kureyon that Jill gave me for my 40th birthday (bless you, Jill!). As the beginning of a shrug, it went to see the Queen in February (see February archives), and finally, Susan Esser's Midnight Express vest pattern clicked. I am 90% done. Just need to finish the I-cord edging on the armholes, and add the zipper, and then that baby's ready to wear.