The best thing about this project: miles of mindless stockinette on large needles. How is that good, you ask? Well, it makes for great TV-watching time.

I'm combining my knitting with watching The Palace on my laptop, and it's a match made in heaven. This is an ITV show that just aired in the last two months. Imagine a combination of The West Wing and Dallas or Dynasty. Great stuff! All eight episodes are still available online , for another two weeks, if you live in the UK. Or you can buy the UK DVD already - who knew?
OOH, the stockinette doldrums!!! TV is fabulous--I've even gotten to where I can read a book when I knit SS. I didn't say it always went well, but I can do it. :)
I watch tv at night so that's why ss knitting works so well for me. Or plain sock knitting. I let the yarn do the talking for me.
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