This lovely photograph is not icicles. It's the flu virus. Who knew something so lethal could be so beautiful
As the title says, I've been derailed. Yesterday morning, I was fine. Yesterday afternoon, I coughed once or twice. By 5 PM, I was starting to feel shivery. It all went downhill from there. I shivered under 3 blankets, with a lovely fever, aches, and chills. Did I mention chills? Fortunately, by this morning, the fever and its friends were gone, except for a brutal razorlike cough and headache. I don't think it's flu because it's moved so quickly through the stages, to be honest. It sure felt like flu, though. Maybe it's Super(Rapid) Flu...
Sounds like the day's back on track. Right? Not so fast. Small D. complained of feeling cold and tired last night, and went to bed voluntarily at 6:30 PM. He was a bit warm last night when I made it up to bed, but at 7 this morning, he had a good ole fever and a massive headache. I got Lily (still healthy, but for how long?) to school and dosed up David (still wan, in bed) with some Calpol. He complained that his legs were "dizzy" when he got up to use the bathroom, so I've moved him into our bed. Dizzy legs and a loft bed are a dangerous combo. He's feeling less headachey now, but is still happily in bed as of 11:15 so you KNOW he's not feeling well.
So. I have sympathy for him. Believe me, I do, especially after how miserable I felt last night. However, I'm wondering where I will find an extra day in my calendar... I have had to cancel my drop-in at craft morning for Christmas festivity, the meet-up with my girl Chrissie to exchange presents, and the mailroom run to mail off "New Year's" packages (little somethings for my sis and family, etc.). And the purchasing of the last bits (paper goods, snacks, soda) for Saturday's Christmas party at the chapel. And the purchasing of the last presents for David and Lily with money from Grandma and Grandpa (I have put David on the case there, though - we'll get it done!). And the mini-commissary run. And I am sure there are 50 other things to be done.
Instead, I'm here at home curled around a mug of herbal tea, and adding sneezes to my repertoire. All things considered, I'm probably better off here than breathing on friends and the public, but I feel like such a slacker. I could sort and wrap the 30 Santa presents for Monday's Santa event at the squadron, but I don't want to risk David seeing them, even though he "knows" about Santa. There are also, of course, the kids' own Christmas presents still to be wrapped, but the same applies there.
At least I have a festive environment in which to sit and be miserable. I have warm things to drink, blankets to wrap up in, and heat to savor. I have a beautiful Christmas tree to look at, and a stunning evergreen/floral arrangement to dote upon (thanks to the three lovely ladies who will remain anonymous). I must download the pictures I took, so you can all see how pretty it makes the living room.
Sounds yucky! Hope you're feeling all better very soon! Keep drinking that tea! My favorite remedy is a Popsicle or two.
Oh bummer!
You're doing the right thing. Surrendering to it is much better than trying to fight it, which just makes it last longer and spreads it around.
Great picture, now do confess, is that YOUR actual flu virus? If so, that's one heck of a lens you have on your camera!! (Love it! It really is pretty, darn it)
Oh, terrible timing --- but, then again, is there ever a GOOD time to be sick? Hope the healing bug hits soon.
Oh no! Hope you're all feeling better VERY soon!
Ugh. That sounds like flu. It came on fast and hard with fever and chills. Then left as quickly when your immune system woke up and went "Wha? What?? HEY! I've SEEN you before. You're outta here, mister!"
I had one that was just that rapid on this side of the Atlantic about a month ago. Then about a week later I was sick for a week with a nastier dose of that bug's big brother. Here's hoping that that does NOT happen to you!
Give David and Lily my love, of course. Poor baby.
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