Best. Bond. EVAR. David and I were lucky enough to see Casino Royale this afternoon. I make no apologies. I'm a big fan of the James Bond flicks. I love them: good, bad, and really bad. This one blew all the others out of the water. "Daniel Craig is the new Bond hotness. All other Bonds are old and busted," to totally rip off Will Smith's line in Men in Black. David thought it was terrific, too. In fact, the first words out of his mouth as the closing credits rolled were indeed "Best. Bond. EVAR."
A grand day at the movies...
I haven't seen it yet to know what my feelings are about Daniel being Bond. I'm kinda not sure about him, but maybe that will change when I see the movie. In the meantime.... just ignore the drool that shows up when I picture Pierce or Sean in that Bond-ness. :)
I SO want to see this movie!! There is just something so HOT abt this Bond!!
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