Let's see. There were pumpkins. And Pumpkin Pi. Snork snork.
There was a naughty witch fairy, who went door-to-door with her small friend Piglet (small James, not pictured). There was also a skeleton pirate, who went door-to-door with his vampire friend (named James as well, also not pictured). There was much candy, and even a wandering candy minstrel, who charmed me. She was escorting her children around the neighborhood and had brought her own bowl of candy to hand out, since she wasn't at home to give it out. Very neat.
As we have for the past couple of years, we traveled to the nearest base housing area so that we could trick-or-treat in a concentrated zone of Americans, who are used to this sort of thing. The kids had a great time, and Lily fell FAST asleep in the car by 7:45 PM.
I'm going to assume that the skeleton pirate is D. And L is ABSOLUTELY adorable as a witch fairy. Not so sure abt the naughty part.
And I"m looking forward to seeing you post every day. I always enjoy reading your blog!
YAY! for the start of NaBloPoMo!
Loving the costumes. And LMBO at the Pumpkin Pi.
We had an Airman (excuse me... an Air Force Girl), Belle, a ballerina, and a dinosaur with only one sock on his cold little tootsies (it got lost at the very beginning of the evening).
Hooray for NaBloPoMo!
And Pumpkin Pi. Maybe I'm just a nerd, but I happen to think the pumpkin pi is pretty darn funny.
The question is...was pumpkin pie made from it later?
I liked Pumpkin Pi myself, actually. But it does make me snort :) Nope, no pie was made...these are still burning in the evenings, and getting a little squidgy now, anyhoo...
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