06 October, 2006

Knitting Spots; Miscellany

I see Crazy Aunt Purl has posted some awesome knitting spots on her page - I have to peer into some of these! The knitting goes slowly here, mixed in with a trip to London last weekend, plus lots of commuting to doctor's and eye doctor's - small David has joined the near-sighted club. Welcome to the family, son!

Working on a square for Grandmother Purl, and the wrist warmers for my mom out of Baby Cashmere. I think my October socks will be for Lily, out of the supergaudy orange/pink/green yarn I got at Woolworth in Berlin. (I got it to test knitting socks on two circulars...have to say, I get the technique, but I am slower with it than with 4 or 5 needles. I did like the not-slippiness of it, though. That could grow on me!)

What I really want to do is start on Ivy from Knitty. I have the yarn ready, waiting, crying out in fact...but I must do the wrist warmers at least, first. And then there's the pair of socks for my friend Jill that are languishing with only one cuff done so far....

There won't be a lot of knitting this weekend, I think. Took D. to see the Basil Brush live show tonight in Peterborough, which was a surprisingly not-bad drive. Basil Brush is a fox puppet who has a comedy show on the kids' BBC channel. Very fun time had by both of us...

Tomorrow Lily and I are visiting a friend who's hosting a stamping? scrapbooking? get-together. And then Sunday is our expedition to Stonehenge. I will photograph SOME knitting there :) Maybe I'll even get some done on the bus ride. However, I rather suspect I will be entertaining Lily instead...


Liz said...

Found you from Aunt Purl. I am jealous of your knitting house. It looks fantastic!

Lynn said...

Have fun tomorrow. With all that you have going on in life and around you, I'm amazed you get as much knitting time that you do. And as always, I want pictures!

Rhonda said...

Greetings from Wichita, KS (USA)-isn't the internet amazing?!I also found you from Aunt Purl--I suspect that will be a recurring theme for you in the next couple months! Love the socks! I am still on my first pair that I started...let's just say they are legacy socks--if I finish them, I'll leave a legacy! Great blog and beautiful knitting space!