This morning, we all slept in until 10:30. Ahhh, decadence, even if it was decadence with an extra two little warm bodies in the bed. David made it to midnight, although it was tough going there at the end. Lily conked out with a little more than an hour to go. All the Loony Tune Golden Collection cartoons in the world couldn't keep her eyes open.
I toasted the new year with cheap sparkling, D. with milk; we watched the BBC's showing of the London fireworks; and then we headed up to sleep.
I hope 2008 will bring many good times for our family - vacations with all four of us, fun with friends. I also hope to take baby steps toward healthier living all year. And boy howdy, I hope to do some killer knitting.
I have to say the Tut exhibit was (for me) a great disappointment because the mask, that golden Tut mask that is the iconic image of Tutankhamen, was not on display. Smaller versions, toppers for the jars that held organs, etc. were in the exhibit, but not the biggie. You'd never know from the posters, which are giant images of the mask. Had I to do it over again, I don't know if we would have gone, or done the British Museum's Egypt section instead. For me, it was all about seeing the mask, so I'm underwhelmed. The kids didn't have that same expectation, and they seemed to think it was all pretty cool.
We will go see the BM's Egypt section anyway, on another trip. There's enough in that museum to occupy a family for months of field trips.
Meeting up with my friend Michele, and her two boys, was the highlight of the holidays, for me. Michele, you are eerily, fantastically unchanged in appearance from our high school days. Where's that picture of Dorian Gray? As beautiful and smart as always, it's a joy to know her on adult terms. I'd post a picture but the ones of Michele and I have camera blur. David enjoyed spending time with the boys, especially her younger, who is the same age. Lily felt a bit shy, but seemed happy to hang about with everyone.
We had an awesome day out at Kew Gardens, where the weather gods cooperated to make it feel like spring. The greenhouses, and unexpected marine display, were great. The kids spent some quality time playing inside, as well, in the very nice indoor playzone.
All around, it was a terrific weekend, and we even got a daylight picture with the TARDIS (our hotel was a block away). I will post that one! Being home is a bit of a let-down, coming back to a post-Christmas house, and thinking about school and housework and all of that. I think I'd feel perkier if I weren't fighting some sudden stomach unpleasantness tonight. We'll see how tomorrow goes.
Edited to add - is it me, or do I totally have long, gorilla arms in this photo?
1 comment:
Good luck on the 365-entries resolution! I couldn't even blog every day during the month of no spending--I give you a lot of credit for trying! Optimism is fabulous--even if you don't make it, you're still way ahead of those who didn't even try!
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